Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Mornings

So thanks to a long weekend, it doesn't really feel like Saturday morning. Or afternoon now, I suppose, since it's after noon. I love Saturdays. There's just so much possibility. If only I actually did something with all my ideas, instead of just...not.

Despite loving my weekends though, I'm kinda excited for what this next semester brings. It's all easy, fun classes full of art and history, which is what I'm all about. Other than getting up really early, I don't anticipate much of a problem. I really hope this semester is easy sailing, considering just how tedious and hard this past two have been.

So now, this Saturday morning, I have so many ideas of things to do. But instead of complaining about it so much, and dreaming, I think I may actually do something about it. Because with my idea for this blog, has come other ideas of things to change in my life. I figure that I should embrace this still relatively new year and this wonderful new President and see what happens. Because if Obama can bring the change he promises for the entire country of 300 million, I sure as hell can for my own little life.

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