Friday, February 12, 2010

Drama Queen.

My brother has turned into a drama queen. Honestly, my mom was complaining how he seems like he's PMSing 24/7, not me. I'm the female twin here!

And then there's the girl issue. He liked a girl for a while. No biggie, she was nice. And then out of the blue...another one likes him. One who is terrible. Especially for someone's first girlfriend.

You know the whole overprotective older brother cliche? Well, I've become the overprotective older (by 33 minutes) sister. Everyone know that this girl is a ball-busting party girl. She cheated on her last boyfriend four times. That's a little ridiculous.

Everyone has been telling him to be smart, and he just won't listen. He doesn't know her as well as myself and several of our friends. It's just a really bad idea.

What can I say? Love must really be blind.

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