Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I feel like blogging.  I've felt like blogging lately.  Oh, oops!  My spellcheck is still on Spanish.

There, fixed.

So I changed some things recently.  And it feels really good.  I just want to stick with the changes, I think.  Oh, and a new semester started.  It' a tank top!  It's pretty okay.  I just wish I could finish off high school with my best friends actually in my lunch.  Or, me in theirs.  Since everyone has A Lunch, dammit!

I've had a lot of time lately.  I've been quiz bowless for a little while now.  Mostly, I've been watching TV, tracking points, and trying to plan out my wardrobe for college.  Productive, eh?

I'm happy, most of the time.  I mean, my depression's my depression.  It only happens sometimes, less when I actually sleep.  So I've been focusing on getting sleep done.  It's such a crazy cool concept.  And I love it.  But I just wish that I could actually get some homework done now and then.  Because, aside from Sociology and Art, very little homework has actually been getting done.  And quite frankly, the APs are a little bit more important.  Well maybe not AP Lit, that's easy enough.  But I miss AP EURO and AP LANG. And Mabel and Ms. Bryen and Volansky.

New teachers are boring.  They're crabbyesque.  And they just don't get me.  (Plus my Soc teacher thinks I'm a skipper now.  Maybe he'll fail me.  That's be pathetic.)

Okay.  I'm done.  I'm going to try to tackle some homework so I'm not so dumb when my Stats test comes around on Friday.  Well...bye.

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