Friday, September 4, 2009

And So It Ends...

Yeah, summer is almost over. But I've been pretty much feeling like I should be back at school anyways since it's so late compared to normal.

I'll be honest, I've been dreading junior year. And then I started my summer reading and such. It's actually doable! Granted, I may fail all my classes, but at least I won't fail them because I couldn't do it. But then what would I fail them for...? Hmm...maybe pulling a Columbine? I'd rather not, I don't feel depressed.

Things are good actually. Life is pretty fabulous. I'm going to need to stop going to bed really late, but I'll adjust. Considering where things were a year ago, well anything can be better than that.

So is it bad to say that I'm excited for school? Yeah, I'd love a couple more weeks of summer, but I kinda want to learn again. Even math. That's crazy, right?

I'm a little scared about failing things, but at the same time, I'm ready to prepare myself wrong. Surely I can at least get a D in AP Euro...


  1. Oh, come on. AP Euro is not really that bad. Just be sure to do all your homework and clearly explain/support everything you write. Also, it's not so much a clear-cut answer when it comes to her tests; it's all analytical.

  2. Life is fabulous, Junior is going to be great, and you will get an A in AP Euro!
