Monday, October 26, 2009

I Love Me Some Facebook. (The people on it, that is)

Okay, so be warned, this is a comment about Facebook. Defending it.

But, it is NOT about YOU getting one. That'll happen in its own due time.

You want to know why so many people have a Facebook? It's not about Facebook. It's about connecting with other people.

There's games on there, they're fun. I like to compete against certain people, or give them frivlous virtual gifts, like purple hay bales or grenade launchers.

I can see so and so's pictures from homecoming, and get to see the guy from Northville she went with (and wants to date).

I can find out that my ex got into his dream college and congratulate him.

When I talk about Facebook, I'm normally talking about the people on it, or something they posted.

Yeah, I could do all those things other places, but why do that when I can simply do it all in one place? And it's fun.

It's a bloody brilliant idea. Granted, it IS easy to get addicted to.

But without it, I'd probably have lost a lot of the friends I have and never get to see. (Like the ones that live in Japan, Chicago, Farmington, down the block)

Hmm...maybe I'll make this into a's certainly long enough. Okay, I will.

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