Monday, October 19, 2009

So About NaNoWriMo

I have a rough idea of what I'm going to write. It's probably going to sound like a million other stories.

They always say to write about what you know. So, I'm basically writing about a teenage girl and a boy she meets. Because hey, that's what I know. And I'm a sucker for love stories. might not turn into one, I haven't decided.

I'm thinking...boy meets girl. Boy and girl become friends. Boy (an atheist) makes girl (relatively religious Christian) rethink her beliefs and religion and why she practices it.

And then it goes one way or the other. Personally, I think I want to go with girl and boy get into one huge fight about it and don't talk for years.

Of course, they happen to meet again later in college. By this time, girl has either reconfirmed her beliefs or gone agnostic/atheist.

Perhaps they become friends. Perhaps one finally sees the other's view.

I'm not sure. I basically just planned the story.

And I'm hoping that this might help me settle my own big question. Not "Why Europe?" or "Why China?" But "What the Hell do I Believe in?"

On a side note, I'm psyched for missing the first two hours of school Thursday. Sleeping in and breakfast! Although, poor Nate has a 5:30AM swim practice. Have fun with that!

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