Saturday, July 10, 2010

"C" is the Way it begins

"C" is the way it begins, 
and "H" is the second letter in
"I" is the middle of the word
and "C" you've already heard
"K" is a kind of hen
and "E" you are nearing the "N"
That's the way you spell "chicken."

This is part of a song from Chicken/Rufus Raftus Johnson Brown, a song that always is stuck in my head at camp.  It's not particularly a favorite song, but it's catchy.

I'm supposed to be either leaving for camp tomorrow, or already be there-I have done so for the past seven summers.  But I'm not.  And it's weird.

 I have all this extra time now.  A couple extra weeks of summer at home.  It sucks.  Here's to camp and all the wonderful people there, all the wonderful times.  I'll be back soon, Cedar Lodge.

Rufus Raftus Johnson Brown, oh whatcha gonna do when the rent comes around?  Whatcha gonna do or whatcha gonna say, can't make the rent 'til the break of day.  You know and I know and everybody else knows you can't pay the rent if you ain't got the dough.  Rufus Raftus Johnson Brown, whatcha gonna do when the rent comes around?

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