Monday, November 22, 2010

I Feel Content

It finally feels like senior year.  And I feel like myself.  My sophomore, junior self, minus some of the depression.  I feel pretty good right now.

Maybe it's because Thanksgiving is almost here and soon, Christmas.

Maybe it's because I'm excited about college.

But maybe?  I'm just happy.

I know where I want to be next year.  I'm happy about college.  I'm not stressing over the small things.  And I know at the very least that I have a great back up school.

Some little things have changed in my life.  I'm back to some old behaviors.  But old isn't always bad.  It's predictable, I know how I'll feel about things.  And I've accepted that whatever happens, will happen.

I have one foot in the old, one in the new.  How long before I get to do the splits?

(Oh, and I remember why I used to love HP now!!!  Fanfiction time.  Care to recommend any?)


  1. Did you really just ask if anyone knew any fanfiction? What do you like? This website has a lot of recs...

  2. Well, that bit was exclusively for you.

  3. I'm so glad it's senior year. The prospect of college is very exciting. Where do you want to go?
