Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting Angry

Okay, I don't get mad that often. I don't get mad sometimes even when people deserve it. But I'm mad right now.

How can you go and change something right before it's due? That's horrible! I already have some of the QB stuff done (which is weird for me) and now Peter changes it? Ergh!!! He had ALL summer to change it! Plus a couple weeks before that! And he waits until it's a week and a half before school starts?

I am not happy right now. Not happy one bit. I asked earlier if that's all he wanted me to do. Back in June, actually. And apparently that was.

Now, he cuts what I have done, and gives me something else. Really? Really?

I have a ridiculous amount to do. Yes, part of it is because I waited until August. But I'd be busy without him switching it on me. I'm glad he didn't change the part I did in June too.

I don't even have time to be blogging right now. ERRRR!!! I feel like ripping him apart with my teeth.

(P.S. I'm sorry if you love Peter, but he's pissing me off right now)


  1. Do you have World History with Bryen 4th block 1st semester? Because I do!

  2. Nope, sorry I have it 1st. I think Nate does...

    But if you had a facebook, you'd already know who's in your classes!

  3. Oh, Samantha might be in your class!



  4. I do love Peter. And it's OK, he can be pretty frustrating.
