Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm Too Little to Understand

I'm looking back at my life. It's been so full that I can't comprehend how decades more could fit. On one of my suicidal tangents the other day, I came up with a reason for suicide:

I can't comprehend how my life could spread out to greater things. I feel like my life has been...indescribable so far.

But since the tangent has passed, I'm trying to look at this more objectively. I'd had so many experiences, tried to not be so sheltered, and there is so much that is unknown to me. I'm sixteen. I believe the life expectancy for an American woman is like 78 years. Assuming I live that long, what's going to fill those next six decades?

I don't know. I'm too young to understand. It better be as exciting, tragic, magical, exhilaterating and clueless as my past sixteen.

It's 11:11, make a wish. Here's to the unknown that I can't wait to live.


  1. Actually, your life expectancy will be closer to 108 by the time you're 78.

  2. Where do you get these whacked statistics, Aaron?
    There's so much more to life than the first 16 years. I just keep telling myself that and so far-since I'm a wise 17 year old-it's true. (or so it would seem)

  3. I agree with Bianka on both counts.
