Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Imperfections

So I have a hard time getting over things. I'm oversensitive, and my self esteem levels are extremely variant. I don't take criticism well, even well-intended advice. I find myself uncomfortable in many social settings. I'm self absorbed.

These are what I consider my greatest imperfections.

I attribute them to an rather horrendous incident that happened in 5th grade.

It triggered the suicidal thoughts beginning in 6th, and the only true hate I have for anyone.

I'm so sorry I've let it affect me this much. It puts a damper on my naturally happy demeanor far too often, and frankly, I'm sick of it.

So to you, who ruined my life that year, I forgive you. I know it can't happen again, and nothing makes me happier.

But I'm moving on. You'll have the rest of your life to deal with that mess in your head. I get the rest of my life to live free of it.

I win.

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