Sunday, January 17, 2010

Self Improvement

I feel like I've been on a bit of a self-improvement trip lately. The sleeping and eating better, the AP Lang grades (well, I've been trying anyways), the having better relationships thing. I just feel better lately (not to mention my pants fit better). A big one: I've been trying to be more grateful.

I spent this past week, this past year, possibly most of my teen-aged years listening to people complain. Don't get me wrong, I do complain a lot, but it's...different.

Mostly I'm sick of hearing people complain about time. They're bored, or something is taking too much time, or they don't have enough time.

A week is a week, people. You've lived through hundreds of them already, it's not that hard! Instead of counting the hours to the next break, stop and appreciate your weekdays. Whether it be the possibility of a snow day or eating lunch with your friends everyday, there are good things about going to school. Focusing on the good can help outweigh the bad.

I know there are bad weeks, months, and years. But it isn't that hard to change things, or at least wait out the storm.

When people complain about how long until the weekend-don't join in. You're lucky enough to be going to school every day, knowing where your next meal comes from, and not having to worry about being bombed.

I am so sick of hearing the ungratefulness. People, you only have so much time to live-go do something with it!

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