Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Family and All That

Hi! How ya doin'?

For a long time, I wasn't quite sure where I stood with Nathan's family. I'm clearly higher ranking than a friend, and they invite me to family things that just friends wouldn't get invited to. But, clearly I'm not marrying the guy either. It's not an "oh, welcome to the family, meet your future in-laws" type of thing. After tonight, I've realized that I'm sort of the second daughter, who actually looks like Nathan's parents more that his sister does (she's adopted from Bolivia), but lives in a separate house and has her own family. I'm another member of the family-sometimes, temporarily I am.

Tonight was fun. I went with Nate's family to a sort of Georgia Tech alumnus dinner and Pistons game. I spent more time talking to Danielle, Nathan's sister, than him. It's nice to be friends with her. Ah, how easy to please middle schoolers.

And I got to meet some former Georgia Tech b-ball players (currently in the NBA). Too bad I've never heard of them. That probably doesn't count as meeting celebrities then.

But I had fun with his family, and strangers, and for me that's quite a big step. I'm not really concerned about making a good impression anymore. I talked so much with Danielle that my personality came out, the positive and the negative. It's kinda nice to know that I can be myself!

Anyways, I'm gonna watch some Greek, then Gilmore Girls.

Good Night and Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. That's strange. In my family, if you bring someone, it's gotta be pretty serious. Either that, or it's someone who you don't really like but you'd feel bad about breaking up with. You bring them so that they realize how nutty your family is and run screaming in the other direction.

    To the last family gathering, two of my cousins and one of my second cousins brought people. It was strange, especially since one of the cousins who brought someone is like...two years older than me.
