Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Let's get lost in the woods...yeah, let's not!

My family decided that we should drive up into yellowstone national park today so we could see some of the attractions today and save time tommorrow, when we will drive up again the same way to our next hotel.

As a result, I ended up at old faithful (the geyser), two to three hours from our hotel.

The problem here?

It was ten thirty at night. It was dark. And do you know how many parking lots there are for old faithful?

Very, very many. You see, old faithful has a complex of buildings with it. Including, but not limited to two hotels, gas stations, employee dorms, cabins, gift shops... That all look similar in the dark.

It took thirty minutes and directions from five people to find our fucking car. Oh, an then the drive back to the hotel. Oh, how I love Old Faithful!

Damn geyser.

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