Saturday, February 21, 2009

Break Coming and Going

So it's the last real day of break, and what have I really accomplished? Not anything substance.
  • I failed miserably at my promise to myself to study for Quiz Bowl. (I suppose I'll do that tomorrow, or else I'm so failing the next quiz.)
  • I actually worked out like twice. Once involving falling off a treadmill (not that first time this has happened).
  • I fell in love with some art books at Borders (which I sadly have no money to buy)
  • I have convinced my mom I'm the worst driver ever. (She keeps distracting me)
  • And finally, that I still am unable to make a freaking decision. My one goal, to end break with at least a rough idea of what I want. But do I? Of course not.
On the bright side, I found a new movie to add to my favorites list. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. I've watched it three times in the past two days, and I downloaded the soundtrack. A little obsessive, but hey I really have nothing to right now. Every break I get a new obsession. It's just soooooooo good. (sorry for the excessive o's, they just demanded to be there)

I love the music. I'm not really an indiesh person, because I'm too lazy to look most of the time. But now, I'm thinking I really need to. As I have a dozen new bands I must explore.

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