Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Already Written in the Stars

The URL for my blog means something to me. I believe that on some level, either by God, fate, ourselves, or some other force, our destinies are already written out. Yes, they can change, but there's something or someone out there that ultimately already knows whats going to happen, at least roughly. Depending on the day, mood I'm in, or what is going on in my life, I don't always believe it's God doing this. But I always, always believe in fate. I think our lives have literally been written, or spelled out somewhere in the universe. The details aren't there. Our lives are a rough sketch until we live out the details. I believe that ultimately, we are already written in the stars, whether we like it or not.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post!
    And I share your thoughts about it! I believe that on a way or another we all have our lives already written, already planned. And sometimes, no matter the choices, the ends are always the same.
