Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There's a ton of stuff to include, but...

Hmm. To copy everyone else, in case you were wondering about what I got for Christmas...
  • an iPod touch <3
  • a cute little case for it. Really, it's adorable.
  • PJ pants
  • Sweaters that require returning (itchy, too small)
  • A boy's shirt (too big)
  • Paper Heart DVD
  • The 6th Season of Gilmore Girls (because I already had seasons 1-5 and 7)
And I gave...well, a ton of stuff. I did almost all the Christmas shopping for my family this year. My mom doesn't like Christmas shopping, and since I do, well...I got to buy and wrap everything.

I feel like another week of break would be nice. But then I remember that we basically have monthly breaks/long weekends+snow days coming. I guess I'll be okay after all.

I've seen four movies in the past three weeks, which is a ton for me. The Blind Side, Invictus, The Princess and the Frog, and Sherlock Holmes. They were all good. Really good. Especially the Blind Side.
Over school breaks, I try to work out more, since I have the time for it. This normally gets me on a losing weight kick (something I need to do, by the way). But, I feel a bit more excited for this one. And trust me, I need it. I mean, I signed up for this weight tracker thing and stuff. I was a normal weight(ish) freshman year. I'd like to be able to get back there, anyways.

I'm going to Costa Rica for spring break. Here's to hoping I have some success by then.

Happy Early New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Well, let's just say none of us going to Costa Rica are at any stand point "thin" (besides Anne who may or may not be going). So I really don't think anyone will care, but good luck (: And your weight is normalish everywhere else besides our stupid skinny town.

    And I say Sherlock Holmes and I liked it! Tenki LOVED it a lot. Robert Downey Jr is an awesome actor but I am not sure if the whole script fit well with him... He seemed a bit off.
