Saturday, December 5, 2009

You're an Art Student When...

So, there's a little thing I don't particularly like right now. It's called the new schedule. But, don't fret, I'm not going to bitch about that, really.

My concern is the art classes. I skipped taking art this year, deciding that Spanish was more practical. I'm finally going to have room for art again.

There's no Art 3 anymore. I'd be taking Studio/IB Art. It's a yearlong class for students who want to build their portfolios, namely for going to art school.

Unfortunately, I don't really need one of those, unless I do end up majoring in architecture, which seems a little unlikely right now.

I'm scared.

Taking this art class would mean that I'm serious about art, that I crave to sketch a particular tree, want to collage a skyscraper, visit the Louvre, etc.

I love art. I really, really do. But I'm terrified to be an art student. What happens when I'm not as good as everyone else? Does that mean that I'm going to get a bad grade? If I lack the skills the other students have, does that mean I shouldn't be in the class?

I'm majoring in History/Spanish/Secondary Ed. I don't need this art class. But I want it. But what if I don't belong, Mommy? Will the other kids laugh at my rudimentary figure drawings, my fabric collages, my naivete? I'm scared. Oh so very terrified.

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