Friday, December 18, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, I Know Her

So Sam and I have been talking. About actually knowing someone. And I think that we've come to an important conclusion (it was her, I think, but it makes me feel better to say "we").

For example, I've known my friend MC for years, I've been to her house, annoyed her brother with her, laughed at her pickiness. But for the life of me, I don't know her goals in life, what she thinks about most, etc. I can tell you her crush in 6th grade, but not why she supported McCain in the last election.

I like to know things about people. I really do. It's probably why I facebook stalk sometimes.
So anyways...yeah, tell me things. I'd rather actually learn your opinions on life than whether not you think Volansky is crazy (not that it's not important, but small talk can get dull).'s one for you. My mother thinks I've been going to church every Sunday by myself at a different church because I dislike the pastor at my church. I do dislike him somewhat. So, for the past several months, as often as I can, I've been skipping Church. I've driven to Camp Dearborn, gone Christmas shopping before the malls were open, and finished my green sheet in the parking lot of Sorrows. I'm not the stanch Catholic some people (God knows why they think this) seem to believe that I am. I believe in God, but I prefer to be a deist. (I only used the term because of Euro. Euro Connection!) I don't like Church, but I pray sometimes. Can't I have my own religion?

And that, was something important about me.

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