Sunday, December 27, 2009

You Never Know Until You Find Out

So, I've sort of known for months that Nathan can cook. But it was actually proven today.

We had my house to ourselves, so we went grocery shopping and made ourselves dinner. So, we searched my kitchen, deciding what to make. He figured out what spices to buy by sniffing certain ones we already had. And then he knew exactly what he was doing, spending far longer than I ever would picking out meat.

So we cooked, Iron Chef style-flurry, spicing and dicing and stirring. It was fun. And he can definitely cook better than me. Even though we had our share of mistakes, it was still really fun and I can't wait to do it again.

We ended up with:
  • "crunchy" redskin potatoes (we didn't bake them long enough)
  • cornbread that fell apart (I had to use EggBeater egg white instead of normal eggs)
  • yummy steak (except for the places where he spilled seasoning all over the place)
It was good. It was yummy. My boyfriend can cook better than me. Maybe he'll teach me how.

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