Friday, April 10, 2009

The Facebook Family

I just created a facebook...for my mom. Who doesn't really understand the concept of it anyways.

But then, I started looking up family on Facebook, and I was amazed to see how many had them. And I noticed different generations connecting more so than I ever had with some of my adult relatives. Some which I've never either gotten to meet.

But it makes me wonder if my adult cousins (who are technically the same generation as me) are closer to my aunts and uncles and stuff because they have Facebook, or just because they're closer in age?

Aside from my brother, I am the youngest grandchild on my mom's side of the family, and I never felt like that meant I was any different. But the next oldest grandkid is now 24, and married with two kids. It makes me wonder what would be different if I was in her place. What if I was Facebook friends with those relatives? Would we be at all closer? It'd be nice to know, I think.


  1. andrea, you WOULD say that.
    i think over 50% of my 43 friends on fb are family members.

  2. Yes, I would say that... Because the entire planet is obsessed with Facebook and it's unhealthy. Someone has to remind you guys that it's crazy.

    Like blogging. Except I like blogging, so it's okay.

  3. What if you get obsessed with blogging like we're obsessed with Facebook?

    Does that really make you any better Andrea? It's still unhealthy.

  4. so just because you like blogging it makes it OK for everyone to be obsessed with?
    uh, sorry, but no.
    you don't have that kind of jurisdiction.
    i think you're just prejudiced.
