Friday, April 10, 2009

(Trying to Find) The Good in Good Friday

So I didn't wake up thinking "oh, it's Good Friday! Yipee!" like it was Christmas or something. In fact, I didn't even remember it was Good Friday until my mom reminded me that we had to go to church. In all honesty, I keep forgetting about Easter too.

I don't understand the "good" part of the name. I mean really, what is good about Jesus being killed? Sure, the being saved for our sins and stuff is pretty great, but his actual death? Not so much. Besides, the celebration comes on Easter. So maybe it's just "good grief Friday". "Good grief, why is he being killed?" I don't know. I don't understand it.

And then today, itself wasn't that great of a day. Maybe it was good in the aspects that the three hour church service went by fairly fast because I was using these books we got that were in English and Spanish to translate the words between the two languages. One of the Spanish names for God is actually el SeƱor. And the Pope is el Papa. Which, to me, is kinda interesting. Funny how things get changed in the translation, isn't it?

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