Friday, April 24, 2009


I stumbled upon dear old Vonnegut last year when I needed a book for English. A delightful boy at Borders introduced us, but I was skeptical. Should I trust such a colorful cover in my quest for satire? But Delightful Boy was right, and our love affair was unexpected, but great. Dear Vonnegut kept me happy in bed all night long...reading.

Then, Mother Night grew tired of us, and daybreak came. Other suitors came, with their dust jackets bright and shiny. They drew me away from dear Vonnegut and off to other places that were quite like my own. Not as cynical, but they couldn't make me laugh the way he did.

I ran into him again in my own school, and he relieved me of my boredom once again. A little wit, a little nonsense to make it all better. And now we're off. Back into the whirlwind of a romance, spending hours outside together laying in the grass. Oh, how nice to be back.

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