Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rules are Made to be Broken

I've never given myself a set of rules to live by. Not permanent ones anyway. I suppose there are the basic ones like not killing your neighbor and eating their dog and stuff like that, but I think that's kind of a given. Maybe that's why I have such a problem with the Commandments and religion. To me, if He really is an ever loving God, then why would he care how I live my life as long as I'm happy and not harming other creations? I suppose I get it, but some of the inferences from the Bible are dumb. I'm not going to go to hell if I become a lesbian. And certainly not if I take the Pill instead of having ten kids (no offense to those that want that many).

I don't get along well with rules that affect how I personally live my life. School has rules, society has laws, those I'm okay with. But when someone starts telling me what to do, things get more sticky. I have a mouth, a lot of people say. Some tend to use some more colorful words before mouth. Maybe it's just because what they are suggesting is stupid/nonsensical/racist/sexist.

End of story, I'm not going to listen, at least not without offering my opinion on it. Leave me alone, or put up with my mouth. It's been with me for 16 years, and it's not going away any time soon.


  1. I'm really glad you've decided not to eat someone's dog. I've struggled with that for years.

  2. I've found that going to Small Furry Creature Eaters Anonymous helps me cope with that problem.

  3. But Small Furry Creatures are so delicious! There was this squirrel that bit the power lines at the back of my house and got fried. MMM!

  4. And this is coming from the vegetarian.

  5. I eat puppies for breakfast. I've found it's easier to give into the temptation rather than constantly fight the urge to eat them.

  6. I prefer the kitties. The fur adds a feline flavor that's just irresistible.
