Friday, April 3, 2009

What Everyone Needs (At least the Overanalytical)

Everyone needs something that they can obsess over when they need to distract themselves from obsessing about something else. Or just because they're bored. Especially the overanalytical (yes, it is a real word. because I say so). Mine just happens to be clothes.

I love clothes and jewelry and shoes and fashion and shopping. I don't necessarily have to be different than the whole fing world. I just want to have my niche, my style, things that I love that I can wear day after day that comfort me.

Clothes aren't just about a shirt. It's how they fit together with everything else. It's how I make an outfit fit my mood. Or make my mood fit my outfit (beneficial for cheering myself up).

I consider it an art form. But there are many things that are debatable as art. Which I'll save that discussion for another day.

I love the possibilities presented with clothes. If I want to be invisible one day, then damn, I will be. If I want to make myself happy, I wear something that has good memories with it.

I am not going to care what my friends wear (unless they are streaking, then I may comment), I'm not going to just them by the brand of their shoelaces (do shoelaces really have brands?), but I am going to make myself happy with them.

I know everyone has their little things that make them happy, like music, interior design, books, etc.


Let me design outfits in my sketchbook. Let me shop when I don't need anything. Let me obsess. Let me be. Let it be.


  1. I emailed you your new layout! WHOO.

  2. That is true!
    Everyone has its own addictions, obsessions or whatever other name you get for it.

    One of my addictions its cinema. Always search news about cinema, watch movies.. It's a way to get out of the real world and be alone at mine, I think it can be interpreted that way.
