Saturday, July 4, 2009

Those Little Reminders...

So first reminder is this.

Second reminder is to myself to do all those QB presentations soon. Has anyone else started?

Third, get those AP Lang books.

Fourth is actually a commentary about reminders. Since it's summer, there have been a pleathora of reminders of summer camp. That it is only a week and a day away. That I have spent parts of summer there since I was 10. Finally, that it is my last year.

I never have enough time at camp. Ever. Compounded with this last year thing...ugh! I'm dreading going because it means that it'll be over that much quicker. And summer will be.
Reality will set in, and let's be frank, reality sucks.

So let's be clear: those nice summer breezes, swimming, the smell of rain; instead of enjoying all these things, I choose to associate them with memories yet to be created of a place I will soon leave. Which in turn makes me think about school, the future, and college. Despite the fact I haven't even returned to camp yet.

Man, that's messed up.

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