Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I get to go to Chicago for a couple days this spring break. A year ago, it would've made me the happiest girl in the world. But oh, oh how things change in a year. Now I have different reasons and motives for wanting to go. With some of the same old ones.

What it says to me most is that I'm just getting better at manipulating my parents, and man that makes me feel like a spoiled bitch after a while. My mom didn't want to go last year, she thinks there's nothing for her to do there. After my motives, my first thoughts about it are that she's nuts. It's Chicago! There's a ton of stuff to do. And she hasn't even been in years, how does she know? What's so great about the random cities that she goes to?

Well screw that. I'll make sure she has a good time if it kills me. I have a couple other times I'll have to go, so she might as well have some damn fun. I just wish my Grandma and uncle didn't have to be included. Sigh.

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