Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Psychological Pain

So I was watching some rerun of House, and it was all about "the power of the mind" and how sometimes you can convince yourself you feel pain when you really don't and vice versa. And I think that's true. Sometimes, like when you have a broken heart, and you think you have chest pain, it's just your psychological pain being felt physically.

I don't know why the brain does that, and I'm not so sure I care to look it up, since I kinda have my own ideas about it. Sometimes, I think that your brain just can't cope, or maybe it's just the only way it knows of expressing it. I mean, crying only does so much, right?

So meanwhile, I'm trying to trick myself out of my own migraine, and frankly, it isn't working. It's just making me feel worst. And my brother doesn't seem to be falling for it either when I tell him that his whining about his headache is making him feel worse. But I suppose he has an excuse of actually being sick...

So I've been doing a lot with Lawrence of Arabia for film, and I have to say, great movie! They really didn't take too much creative license with it. Although, the guy who plays the main character, T.E. Lawrence is "much prettier than the real one," according to the director. Not to mention the real one was only 5'6", and the actor is 6'3". I know height doesn't always make a difference, but sometimes, it just makes one look more powerful on screen.

Oooh!! And the camels! There were so many camels in that movie, it was amazing! I have new respect for the animals, they're actually quite graceful and awesome. I have a new thing I must do before I die-ride one! (Although many of the actors suffered from bruised butts and tailbones...)

Not to mention, it's definitely not a movie with women in it. There's not a single speaking woman role in the entire movie. The neo-feminist in me frowns upon that.

So I'm off to make some faces in my mind at some certain people, and pray a little. Let's hope my connection to God isn't out of service for once.

1 comment:

  1. i loved the Epic section of that class. i wrote my best essay ever about Gone With the Wind and got a 100% on it.
    i love epics :)
