Wednesday, March 18, 2009


  • So I've been baking some cookies to take to Quiz Bowl. And I want to decorate them with icing so I can practice my (nonexistent) decorating skills. I've long given up on the whole personalitizing cookies for each person. Considering that I don't know who'll show up and sadly, there's a couple people I don't know their names, and...yeah. But I baked cookies with my mom, and had fun bonding. That never happens. We normally end up arguing.

  • She gets to see Maya Angelou tonight, which makes me jealous...sigh.

  • Question: If someone is born in Bora Bora, then moves to Mexico, then moves to the US, then back to Mexio, then finally to the US again, what nationality are they? Are you only the nationality of the country you're born in?
  • I wanna see Emaline's haircut!

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