Sunday, March 22, 2009


Stella died. Since no one reading this knows who Stella is, I'll explain.

Every year I go to a wonderful, welcoming, amazing second home. Aka, summer camp. My summer camp, Cedar Lodge, is owned by a family, the Edwards. This morning, the matriarch passed on.

Stella is so unique, was, I suppose. Every year, she knew every campers' name, and she'd put forth the effort to spend time with all the staff and campers, even after she had a serious fall a couple years ago. I'd marvel how she still remembered my name the second summer after spending only a week there. She of all people did. When several campers and staff did not. Campers and staff that spent much more time with me than her.

Every Sunday, she was there welcoming the new and returning campers, farewelling the leaving ones.

Every Sunday that I arrived at camp for the past six years, she was a fixture there.

Every Sunday, she was the first face I saw welcoming me back.

Every Sunday I left I missed her.

I only have one grandparent left. Stella was some kind of close replacement for the ones I was missing.

I miss my summer camp, I miss my camp friends, I miss the staff. But all those people and things I'll see again. Stella I won't.

Goodbye Stella. Rest in peace.

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