Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've been trying to judge myself and people lately. Not, oh her shoes are so fabulous! She's got great taste! But more...what is it about this person that makes me want them in my life?

And I've come up with a range of answers. Not a lot of them fit what I was going for.

Maybe it's because people in general are annoying me lately. I'm not sure.

But I wonder how some of my relationships with people happened. Were they close by, was it a proximity thing? Did we happen to sit next to each other once in class because of mutual solitarity?

I've never been great with this social thing. People at their best can often be annoying. Psht, I know I am. Maybe it's just finding the annoying that morphs into eccentric; the kind of people that aren't annoying to you so much as endearing.