Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Simple Complexity of Humans

So I've been thinking about people. Not a specific person so much as the species as a whole and their relationships with one another.

People are supposed to be different for their "complexity" compared to other species. I'm not sure if scientists have that so right. Many insect and animal populations have specific socialization patterns that are literally ingrained into their genetics. Such as the bees' queen bee, worker bee, etc. pattern. This such hierarchy is set up for the survival of the colony. I can understand that.

But what about humans? Yes, we have certain chemicals and hormones letting us know the most desirable mate and that we should reproduce. But otherwise don't think there is a whole lot of natural predisposition.

Human relationships are so complex and varied, I don't believe that they can just be predetermined. Each person's interactions with others lead to different opinions of that person. There may be some primal attraction or repulsion, but at the end of the day, individual minds are victorious. Not too many people (hopefully) find their best friend or fall in love based solely on pheromones.

This is starting to sound too sciency, and way not the point. So basically, here it is. Every group of people have different reactions with one another. Within these relationships, feelings and bonds form that are much more complicated than simply hate, friendship, love, attraction, etc. People's ideas of one another often shift over time and I think that the situation the people are in and their personalities affect their relationship. Not a bunch of chemicals in their bodies.

The complexity is that we will never have enough words to accurately describe each relationship we go through in life, especially as they become more multifaceted the longer we know a person. The simplicity is that in the end, it is all just up to us.

1 comment:

  1. No offense but I feel like this is a lot of common sense put into words...
