Monday, June 8, 2009

Slacking in First Block

So what do I end up doing during my first block? Not sleeping or ACT prep like I had planned. No. Instead I ended up feeling horrible for the two American journalists trapped in Korea. And then I ended up reading about human rights and feeling horrible for the women in Yemen, and in general most Arabic countries. And some African ones, etc.

It's hard for me to imagine the strength surviving abuse and imprisionment must take. I'm...kind of speechless about it actually. I can this even be happening today?

How the fuck can the age of consent law in Yemen be NINE YEARS OLD?

It's horrible. It's not right. I wish I had the power to change this.


  1. Why are we feeling sorry for women in most Arab countries?

  2. Hmm...the virginity thing, getting married off to older men too young, low female literacy rates, lack of reproductional rights, lack of many basic rights in general like inheritance and divorce.

    There's just a lot of patriarchal society and government, which is oppressive to women, or can be. I suppose there's other countries like this too, but the Arabic ones caught my eye when I was reading that day.

  3. But all of those are common in the third world, not just in Arab countries.

  4. Yeah it's prevalent around the world, but you obviously missed my earlier comment to you about reading particularly about Arab countries that day.
