Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Not Epic... but still pretty interesting ACT Test

So I took the ACT test today at CC. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact, I sort of enjoyed it towards the end. Because I do, in fact enjoy standardized testing. But also because the following things happened during/after the test:
  • A guy spilled water all over himself in the middle of the writing portion. That was quite funny.
  • Some girl passed out in the middle of the test. I keep wondering why.
  • Another one broke her leg during a break. How she did this? I'm not sure. Probably from running to the bathroom during our five minute break. (We had quite a distance to get to and back)
  • The fire alarm was pulled just as we finished the last part of the test. It was a welcome exit.
And then of course I spent the rest of the day with Nathan. It was great, but my feet hurt. Oh, and I tried squid. I gagged. So, in short, I do not like squid very much. At least not squid sushi.

Awesome Saturday, alright. Now, I must go out for ice cream.

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