Thursday, December 22, 2011

Best Friend

My history with best friends is complicated.  My preschool wasn't even in my hometown, so I can't claim that I went to preschool with anyone that I know now.  In elementary school, I didn't really have one.  My friends were mostly who were in my classes and my Girl Scout troop.  But I wouldn't necessarily stay close to one girl for a long time.

But Natsuki moved here from Japan in third grade.  She was my next door neighbor.  I figured since we lived next door, we'd have to be best friends.  In the books, kids best friends always lived across the street or next door.  I read a lot of books, possibly why I lacked in the best friend area.

Originally, the problem was that she didn't speak English.  But we got through the language barrier quick enough and I suppose to some extent became best friends.  Through the years until she moved when we were in seventh grade, we called ourselves best friends, but I don't know exactly if we were until maybe seventh.

Those were the years that I went through my initial dealings with depression and I wasn't exactly a nice person. (Psh, like I am now.)

But we also got close to the girls that I currently call my best friends.  Bridget, Alyssa, and Dayna.  The five of us all lived in the same sub and had known each other since elementary.  Throughout the remainder of middle school and all of high school, I have called these girls my best friends.  There have been additions to the group, but they never lasted that long.  It was just the four of us.

We aren't the most alike, but we know each others' histories.  I can really tell them everything.  It was when my behavior got out of control that I finally went into therapy for depression.  I got help because I was driving them away by being a bitch.

But it can be difficult being best friends with people so different than you.  We've always been busy with different activities and it can be difficult to see each other.  College has made it harder.

It's times like this when I question the label of a "best friend."  They aren't necessarily the first person whom I turn to anymore with my college issues.  Nor do they know every aspect of my life anymore.

I love them to death.  I trust them so much.  But the reality is, how much have our differences and distance from each other affected our friendship?  Is "best friend" just a term that gets used too much, like "I love you"?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I focus on depression too much.  But the reality is that it seems all around me.  I can relate to others who have it.  But they can also bring me down.

I found out that a girl in my class has been going through a similar process as me.  She ultimately ended a friendship, just as I once ended a relationship.

There's the old saying that boys and girls cannot be just friends.  But that's not what I wonder anymore.  I wonder if I can be close with someone else who has depression and not become depressed myself.

I feel like I'm actually more functional than many of the people I have met.  Which is weird...I'm a wreck.  If I have a friend that is going through a tough time, I'm falling with them.

Depression is like a disease.  Easy to spread, difficult to get rid of.

I miss Ibsen.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Reading Room

So I just spent three hours in the reading room, trying to avoid the orange elephant in the room (for Halloween!).  And then the other half of the awkward tension party left.  So I left.  I thought I left angst in high school.

I don't want to make all the first moves.  Well, the majority.  I don't like playing games.  Do I quit, or continue to possibly embarrass myself?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm not very good with the not having expectations thing. I came all the way here to enjoy Halloween weekend, and it's kinda a fail. My brother is dumping me with someone else. Last night wasn't that much fun. Tonight the girl I'm staying with doesn't even feel like going out.

I'm pissed. And I want to resolve my boy issues. I think my phone is going to die. I miss GVSU, actually. Well, maybe just the people there.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Uh....holy cow, what did I just do????  Last night, that is.  The only excuse I have was being tired.  Oh my goodness.

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's a good thing that I'm not very breakable.  Both literally and metaphorically.  It's been a tough week. 

Only left with bruises and empty spaces where those cretins were.

Thank gawd it's the weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Uh oh...I just saw my mid-semester grades.  Time to start studying all of my classes!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I Hate People

I'm not a big fan of socializing with a lot of people at once, unless I'm comfortable with most of them.  Tonight's soccer game was an absolute disaster.  We tied, that wasn't bad.  But I got a bloody nose in the first minute of the game, so I didn't come back into the half until we had eight minutes left.  I don't know if playing a man down is what made people mad, or the fact hat I had trouble focusing the rest of the game.  Regardless, there was a lot of yelling at me.  And when I listened to some of them, I did worse, because that's not how I normally play.

I don't know if I want to play again with them.  The boys are nice, but even they left me tonight.  Everyone walked away while I checked jerseys back in.

The thing is, I know of people that I could probably be good friends with. It's just a matter of somehow managing that.  And avoiding my old "friends," who happen to be in my room because of my roommate.

I knew I had a good reason for wanting a single.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Not A Normal Freshman

So I know it's normal for freshmen to not have a car on campus.  Many colleges don't even allow students to have cars their first year.  I don't have one.  That's the problem.

I've been getting homesick...a lot.  There are some times when I think "oh, I'll make it here all four years."  A lot of the time I just want to go home.

This week I needed a ride somewhere for a volunteer opportunity.  I had to find a ride.  At home if I need to ask a friend for a ride or a parent, it isn't that big of a deal.  But I don't know people as well here yet.  I don't know at what point I need to offer gas money.  I don't know if I can ask to borrow someone's car (especially since I just got into a car accident.  I actually am a good driver.). 

There are certain things I need a car for around here.  It takes two hours to get to the nearest mall by bus.  Driving is 20 minutes.  It takes an hour to get to the movie theater.  I have to do volunteering at some point for my major at the local schools.  The bus doesn't go anywhere near there.  I didn't bring my bike for fear of it being stolen.  My dad doesn't want to drive all the way out here to pick me up for weekends.  So I have to either take the bus home or find a ride.

I hate relying on other people.  So, so much.  I don't like asking new friends for favors like rides, even if I know that they aren't doing anything much instead.

The thought of not having a car leaves me panicky.  One of the ways I would calm myself was going on a drive and checking out the area I lived in.  Not eco-friendly, but it helped me to escape.  I have a new place to explore and no way to conveniently explore it.  I want a job.  What I can reach by bus and walking is limited.  Unless I want an hour ride.

When I miss home, I want to be able to know that I can go home whenever I want.  But...I can't.

I'm trying to give myself a year to get used to this school.  I'm almost a halfway through one semester, and I wonder if I can do it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A TV Related Realization

As I most often do, I had realization of sorts today watching a favorite show of mine.  I recently made a choice of mine own.  A choice that was not what my parents necessarily wanted.

But it grants me more freedom and less worry.  It was a decision that I felt was best for me.  This was possibly the first time I did what I thought was best for myself, despite that my parents believed the contrary.

I thought this decision would bring worries.  But it's honestly relaxing. 

Yesterday was a time of growing up for me.  I dealt with a scary situation and handled the police on my own.  Today might be the first day that I can say that I feel like an adult.

So thanks Awkward season finale.  I feel more at peace than I have in a long time.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Line Up

College has brought many new boys to my attention.  I may, dare I say it, even fancy one.  However, I don't know him particularly well yet.

I realized something tonight, as I was on facebook.  I really need to get off facebook.  But...he looks the same.  You know the serial killers who all kill blond, middle aged women because they remind them of their abusive mother or whatever?  Well, I have a very, very set in stone type.  So yeah, I'm definitely not killing these boys, I promise.

But I don't really want to have a type.  Unfortunately, my sort of college is full of my type.  It lacks diversity big time. Sigh.  At least I have a rough idea of what my future kids will look like already.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What do you have to be depressed about?

I really hate when I get asked that question. Because the honest answer most days is nothing. My life is generally pretty good.

The concept that depression can be purely biological doesn't seem to click with most people. I mean, I haven't had anything too traumatic happen to me. People have survived much worse and come out fine.

The chemicals in my head are messed up. In the Dark Ages, they'd be concerned for my imbalance. Maybe I'd be bled. Or they'd want to get rid of one of my extra biles-whichever they suspected was the problem. But really, the isn't much wrong with me most days.

I prefer quiet and being alone. I miss the sun in the winter more than others. I get offended easier. I find dark humor funny because I know there's always been darker thoughts on my head. I want to withdraw and sleep. I can't sleep. It makes the pattern worse.

I like being social. I talk a lot. I'm overly confident and opinionated.

I question what I think. Sometimes my thoughts are that of someone crazy. My brain outrules my sense.

I realized today when I first considered that I could have depression. I was ten. It was the summer before fifth grade.

The funny thing? It was so much easier when I pretended that it didn't exist.

Now I have an excuse...where do the bad things about me stop and my mental disease begins?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I did something stupid.  I feel like doing stupid things.  Why is prom so stressful?  Why is there this stupid preoccupation with dates?  Maybe Emaline will go with me.

I don't know.  Boys suck.  Fine, one sucks.

Thank god Klaine is together.  That means that at least there's a little sense in the world.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I have a tendency to do what I want, instead of what's best for myself. Sometimes these things coincide, but they often don't.

In light of watching a very dramatic, but satisfying series finale of Greek, I know what I want. I think. It's just what makes me happy right now. It's comfortable. In a time when so much is changing, I am drawn towards that.

I want to draw again. And have springtime. And get excited about college and prom and my last spring as a high schooler. It's the healthiest romantic relationship I've been in. I miss my bad frisbee tosses and horror at the idea of him joining the military. I miss his family.

I don't miss losing part of my stubbornness in the process. I didn't like minimizing my political views (which are slowly leaning more moderate anyways). I don't really mind him being an asshole sometimes-it's fun when you're in on it.

Do I want him back? Yeah, I think I do. I like relationships. They keep me safe. They keep me alive. They give me moments to tell my grandchildren about. He keeps me happy.

(all typos a result of having typed this on my iPod)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My deepest thoughts and revelations seem to happen when I clean my room.  No wonder it doesn't happen very often.

I don't know what to do with this boy thing.  The circumstances have changed.  But I don't know if it'll make me happier.  Perhaps just more angsty.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Everyday, we have choices to make.  The important and the frivolous.  The rational and the stupid.
Here's to doing the stupider things in life.
Here's to being happy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boys, Boys, Boys

What's up with boys?  Seriously.
They're frustrating.  I hate being frustrated.  So why do I keep coming back?

On another note, I found a prom dress.  It's red.  I normally don't wear red, but I do love the dress.  I found another one, the same style but more of a purple.  I have it on hold.

I'm going to wear the red one to prom though.
And I'm probably going to prom with a date.
And I think I can predict what's going to happen there.
More on that another time.  Maybe you can guess yourself?

So, I'm actually going to do homework.  And then I'm going to work out.  And shower and go to bed early.  I will be a good girl.  Because I don't want to screw up life right now.  It's....intriguing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

In my darkest hours, I have always needed you.

But no longer.

I didn't write this for you.  I wrote it for me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I blog more when I'm depressed.  I bitch at people more.  It's the bitchy thing that made me go to a therapist in the first place.  I was hurting my best friends.

Now it's back.  My depression seems to be back with a vengeance, and I seem to be okay getting lost in it again.  I'm getting bored, restless, tired.  I want to do something reckless.

Something dangerous.

I keep having visions of driving too fast.  Of drinking to forget.

I keep seeing "dark" things in poetry.  Terrifying things.

Maybe one day I won't feel so depraved.  I won't automatically reach to the darkest corners of human existence.

Maybe one day I won't see little children locked in coffins so they don't escape.

One day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

For Valentine's Day

I'm going to be single on Valentine's Day.  Who cares?  I love the sentiment behind the day anyways. <3

The Dog Days Are Over...The Dog Days Are Done....

I feel fabulous.  Not quite as fabulous as Kurt, but perhaps Mercedes, which is a close second.
I like deciding that I'm making life choices.
I like even more when I'm  deciding to follow through with them.
I like getting money from colleges.

In the past two days, I have received scholarships and admissions from two schools, and was deferred from another.  The deferral, of course, was from the one I thought I really wanted to go to.  But the scholarships give me some options.  And I'm sort of excited.

At this time next year, I could live in Greencastle, Allendale, Lincoln Park/Chicago, or Pittsburgh.  I'll hear back from Ann Arbor in April.  But right now, it looks like Lincoln Park or Allendale (I'm refusing to consider U of M until I actually hear news from them one way or another).

But I'm excited!  I'm definitely going to a college next year!  And it might be out of state, squee!

As much as I love high school, this is going to be my least favorite spring semesters.  All the others were better.  So, just let me skip to graduation, okay? I want to be a college student yet?  I turn 18 in less than a month.  Good Lord, I'm scared to grow up.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I feel like blogging.  I've felt like blogging lately.  Oh, oops!  My spellcheck is still on Spanish.

There, fixed.

So I changed some things recently.  And it feels really good.  I just want to stick with the changes, I think.  Oh, and a new semester started.  It' a tank top!  It's pretty okay.  I just wish I could finish off high school with my best friends actually in my lunch.  Or, me in theirs.  Since everyone has A Lunch, dammit!

I've had a lot of time lately.  I've been quiz bowless for a little while now.  Mostly, I've been watching TV, tracking points, and trying to plan out my wardrobe for college.  Productive, eh?

I'm happy, most of the time.  I mean, my depression's my depression.  It only happens sometimes, less when I actually sleep.  So I've been focusing on getting sleep done.  It's such a crazy cool concept.  And I love it.  But I just wish that I could actually get some homework done now and then.  Because, aside from Sociology and Art, very little homework has actually been getting done.  And quite frankly, the APs are a little bit more important.  Well maybe not AP Lit, that's easy enough.  But I miss AP EURO and AP LANG. And Mabel and Ms. Bryen and Volansky.

New teachers are boring.  They're crabbyesque.  And they just don't get me.  (Plus my Soc teacher thinks I'm a skipper now.  Maybe he'll fail me.  That's be pathetic.)

Okay.  I'm done.  I'm going to try to tackle some homework so I'm not so dumb when my Stats test comes around on Friday.  Well...bye.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Long time, No Blog

Hi there, it's been a while, hasn't it?  Things have been changing in my life.  I'm almost a second semester senior (!!!).  I've gotten into a couple colleges, received a few scholarships.  Made some resolutions that I'm actually sticking to.  Been mistaken for a lesbian?  Weird, I know.

Anyhow, the truth is that my blog has become too public.  It can no longer function as my journal.  Therefore, I'm switching to a purple leather bound journal with silver pages I got on sale at Borders.  It's perfect for me.  And I prefer the paper.

I'll post again eventually.  Right now, I'm just trying to make it through the rest of high school.