Friday, July 31, 2009

Lots of Stuff!

So there's been a lot going on lately.

I unpacked from camp, said goodbye to Nate (whom I may love?), got my wisdom teeth pulled, took lots of drugs, baked cookies for my friends at camp, went to a funeral home, and now I need to pack for Japan. All in a week...

Andrea, since I believe your friends with Aidan...his grandpa died on Monday, that's why I went to the funeral home.

And what does one bring to Japan? What does one bring back?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Dr, House is Addicted to Vicodin

I had my four wisdom teeth taken out today. I don't remember much except the nice falling asleep during surgery, and again on the way home. I do remember receiving five different prescription drugs I am now supposed to use. They include a mouthwash, a steroid to relieve swelling, a high does of ibuprofen, penicillin, and finally, Vicodin.

First I took the ibuprofen, but I've already been taking it since last week for my ankle. Despite the does being six times my normal dose, it didn't help much.

So I took the damn Vicodin. I am proud to announce I will never develop the addiction House has, that's for sure. Yes, you get an initial high, which is kinda nice. But eventually you get to the point where you question whether or not it's even worth it to take the Vicodin.

I have a very, very strong stomach. The stuff has brought me to my knees every time I've taken it today. But I need it right now. The four other drugs plus ice packs just don't help enough.

Also, I can't stand more than a minute without getting woozy and having to stop. I researched the side effects, and there are a ton of other nasty ones.

But I understand why House would get addicted. I understand why someone in genuine pain 24/7 could. You need it. Side effects or not, it's the magic that can keep you functioning semi-normally until the pain goes away.

I don't particularly like Vicodin. I've only been taking a quarter of my recommended dose. But I know enough now to understand why it can be good.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Exactly One Does At Camp

So everytime a person (usually an adult) finds out about my summer camp, the following question proceeds. "Oh, so what do/did you do there?" I find this question stupid. Most adults know what goes on at summer camp. Swimming, playing games, doing arts and crafts, etc. So that's what I tell them.

Of course, that's not all that happens at camp. But it's the only part we can tell the adults about without them getting concerned.

I can't mention the thrill of successfully pantsing my counselor. Or seeing the cute twelve year old couples slow dancing awkwardly and sharing a blanket at campfires. My first time hoof picking a horse's back hooves. Twisting my ankle three times in a week, but being able to claim being the only person to play Misson Impossible on crutches.

What I really did at camp this summer?
  • Have feasts in the cabin despite the fact we aren't supposed to have food in the cabin.
  • Play crazy card games that involve dead dictators.
  • Discussing the best make out spots in camp. (the walk in refrigeration room, anyone?)
  • Making jokes about your mother
  • Taking pictures that you wouldn't want your grandmother to see
  • Ranting about religion and politics and why Americans can be dumbasses
  • Pants people
  • Be pantsed.
  • Twist my ankle three times
  • Bitching about who has to scoop ice cream
  • Going to see the new HP movie
  • Five way spooning at campfire.
  • Be generally perverted and inappropriate 24/7
From now on, adults who ask me what I did at camp, I will simply refer them to this blog entry. Then again, maybe not, as I will be considered a bit of a pervert. Oh well. Lying works too.

Monday, July 27, 2009


To be free of burden is wonderful. To be free of everything is tragic.

I feel wonderful.

I feel like that crazy chick that thinks she can fly. Does anyone care to join me?

Lessons Learned, Opposite Feelings

This summer was supposed to be my last summer at camp. It was always going to be the streaky faced goodbyes and emptiness.

But I've never felt so full. I had a camp experience free of drama and boy troubles. I have memories and pictures and friends. It was my perfect ending, but it also made me realize that I'd be welcome to come back as staff next year.

I learned that I can draw people again. I have my fitness and my klutziness back. I feel much more whole than before camp, I guess it's because camp is a place where I've been bad and I've been good. Some old qualities are falling back into place.

I fell out of love at camp this year. I relearned myself without that boy and the ones before him.

Everything I thought was a big deal won't be in the long run. I have time to plan futures, travel the world, meet people. For right now, I have time to be myself. Not obsess about the future.

Be myself. <3

Friday, July 10, 2009

Off the Addiction

I am going computer free for the next couple weeks. Mostly because I have camp, but also because I'm sick of it. I'm on it too much. Like, way too much.

I have loved ones all coming in on Saturday, and a ton of packing and great books and a brother coming home who will desire the computer anyways.

So buh bye. I'm hoping my withdrawal symptoms will be minimal.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hiding Behind Religion Rant

I see Facebook bible quotes on many Christians' Facebooks. Some of them I know to be good people that truly believe in these quotes. Many have huge hearts and will help anyone.

But there are some that just don't seem to understand their religion. What religion preaches drinking and law breaking and promiscuity? Where is it said that people should be judged superficially? Where does it say that killing someone is okay as long as you wear your crucifix at all times?

Now, there might be a religion that mentions this being okay. I'm just not aware of it.

Sure, you may repent your sins in Judaism and Christianity. But blatantly going against the beliefs you claim to live by daily?

That's just wrong.

Yeah, I'm as human as everyone else, and I tend to mess up more. And if you're going to sleep with many people and smoke odd things, that's fine. It's your life.

But please don't try and claim that you follow such and such a religion when you so blatantly violate it every day.

At least take down the Bible quotes that you "live by". You aren't fooling anyone.


Just wanted to point out the date. Kinda cool. Especially at 4:56am/pm. It won't happen again for 1,000 years!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Licensed Driver...ALMOST

So I spent the latter half of this long weekend doing a crash course in parallel parking. (Thankfully I didn't actually crash into anything) Then I ended up stressing myself out because I can parallel park in real life, but not for the road test.

Safe to say, I screwed up parallel parking a bit, I had to redo it so I got a minor deduction. But my tester was awesome, he was so chill...I relaxed. And I actually passed!

Of course, today happens to be a furlough day for all State of Michigan employees (AKA, they give them extra vacation in attempt to lower the state budget), so I can't get my actual license until tomorrow.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Did You Get Your Protein Today?

I have found a new source of protein. It seems to be common in many countries, but not this one. I discovered it one day while bike riding at near dark. Bugs.

Since I go on rather long bike rides, I prefer to do it at night when it's cooler. The lovely bugs like to come out then. Many seem to think it is a good idea to fly into my mouth. As a result, I have eaten many flying insects (mostly mosquitoes) lately.

As good for me as these little creatures may be I think I still prefer animals with four or less legs, instead of six. But chocolate covered crickets do sound interesting.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Quick College List

I just want to get the oftentimes unwanted advice given to me by my friends and family of where to go to college.

Dad: Schoolcraft. (Thanks for having faith in me)

Nate: Georgia Tech or Savannah School of Art and Design (Nope, not going to a college just because it's the one you're going to/next to the one you're going to. Sorry.)

Grandma: Harvard Med School. (Let's be realistic, shall we?)

Garrett: Michigan State. (Just because you love the Spartans and you can't get in...)

Steve: Clown School (No comment.)

Uncle Phil: U of M (Good architecture school, he claims)

Aunt Jan: U of M (She works there, she's biased)

Clearly, it's bad to take advice from everyone I've asked so far. I'm not asking anymore. Because I would make a horrible clown. And I'd probably fuck up being a doctor too.

Those Little Reminders...

So first reminder is this.

Second reminder is to myself to do all those QB presentations soon. Has anyone else started?

Third, get those AP Lang books.

Fourth is actually a commentary about reminders. Since it's summer, there have been a pleathora of reminders of summer camp. That it is only a week and a day away. That I have spent parts of summer there since I was 10. Finally, that it is my last year.

I never have enough time at camp. Ever. Compounded with this last year thing...ugh! I'm dreading going because it means that it'll be over that much quicker. And summer will be.
Reality will set in, and let's be frank, reality sucks.

So let's be clear: those nice summer breezes, swimming, the smell of rain; instead of enjoying all these things, I choose to associate them with memories yet to be created of a place I will soon leave. Which in turn makes me think about school, the future, and college. Despite the fact I haven't even returned to camp yet.

Man, that's messed up.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This Kind of Weather

So it's gray out. And drizzyly. And windy. It's like autumn or a warmer day of winter. The first days of July should not be like this!

But they are.

And this weather normally reminds me of lots of things. Flannel and new books and teardrops and fuzzy blankets and bear hugs. I love the grayness when it's supposed to be there. I can be warm and lazy and literary.

But now? It just makes me want to throw something.

Can I have the grayness come again another day pretty please?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Love My...Walrus?

Please ignore the title, it doesn't seem to make that much sense to what is going on in my head. Not the walrus part anyways.

So I once read that relationships are good prevention for people with depression. Prevention of symptoms, I'm assuming. But sometimes other people are the cause of that depression. So this seems more dangerous than helpful.

Then I wonder what the article meant by "relationship". Family members, friends, romantic relationship, what? I think they must just mean in general.

But when relationships have the opposite effect on people, it can just be scary. When someone's only keeping it together for one person in his or her life. If that person dies, or betrays them, then what happens?

I mean, that's the same thing abusers try to do in relationships. Separate the abused from everyone else, so they are dependent on the abuser alone.

I guess my point person shouldn't be your life. I think this lesson is more a warning to myself.