Friday, May 1, 2009

For Now it is Time to Rant Part Deux

This is just a random thing since I'm listening to Panic At the Disco anyways...They're why this blog is called Pretty. Odd. Luna. Their second mainstream album is called Pretty. Odd. So I just added the Luna part. Since I find myself to be pretty odd at times. Plus, I've raised myself on them. Kinda.

The main point of seems long right now. We had Mr. Schoff talk to us in Civics about planning our lives and yada yada. He asked us where we want to be in 10 years, and how we get there. I already know. That's my problem. I've had too much time to obsess over everything. I have even come up with guidelines for myself about obsessing.

But another thing that needs mentioning is that an astonishing half of the class wants to go to U of M. Many of them want to become doctors. I can't see it happening. Maybe they really haven't done their research yet, I'm not sure. All I really know is that I can pretty much figure out which of them have an actual chance. And it's not that they aren't smart enough. But they don't care enough. The fucking apathetic youth of today really don't know what they're in for. And it's not everyone. But it's a lot. And I'm terrified for them. I scared for myself. I'm frightened of what the world will look like in 40 years. But most of all...they scare me.

But back to the long life thing. So many things have happened to me that seem big. They aren't to others, but to me they've changed my life. And I never expected that they'd happen. It makes me happy how fortunate I am. But someone famous once said this, and I cannot remember who but "Humans can never be truly happy, for they are always in want of more." I just wish that wasn't true. But it most definitely is for me.

So in attempts to make it untrue (or false as some people call it) I am going to lie to myself. Because under my guidelines of obsessions, there is a rule about lying to yourself. You do it enough, and eventually you believe it. Just like in 1984.


  1. I do not want to go to U of M.
    a)my grades are not good enough
    b)all the people from high school are going to be there.
    c)my future lies in Iceland.

  2. Thank goodness. There are bigger, better things out there for you.

  3. Well, what ARE you going to be doing in this future you have all planned out? I am curious.
