Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Curious

I've been thinking about this maybe a whole thirty seconds, but I can't help wondering what it is like in other people's heads.

Yes, there are many people that speak their thoughts. But being in their heads would be different. Knowing their memories and emotions and why they are thinking the thoughts they are.

Of course, I won't necessarily ever be able to really know what it's like. Unless reincarnation is real, and then I guess I'd still be me. So that doesn't count. But I have a theory. Perhaps if you know someone well enough, or you find someone similar enough to your own mind, you will have a pretty good reason of understanding them. Or if you just find someone who talks a hell of a lot and you pay close enough attention.

I've come close to really knowing the mind of one other person, and still there is so much I do not know. And that I probably never will. But I hope that I know at least the most important things.

Details are important too of course, but knowing why someone chooses to eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches over peanut butter and potato chip seems slightly less important than why they want to be able to travel to space or make up with their mother. But that's just my opinion.

This is my goal before I die. To understand at least some of the great minds around me.


  1. I think about that all the time. Why people make random faces when they're quiet (like me) or how something can offend one person but not another.

    In my head, it's like I'm always having a conversation. I think out every word. After I have a feeling, I still have this need to put it into words inside my mind. You could literally print out every thought I've had and it would be plain English. And sometimes Spanish.

  2. Well that actually helps some. I don't always understand when you're unexpectedly happy or negative about something.

  3. This is the inability to imagine others with significant complexity. Anyone who thinks has it. I don't know what's going on inside anyone else's head, so it's impossible to understand them completely.

  4. I enjoyed to read this post and I can relate to him, somehow.
    Anyone who builts relationships, I mean, not casual ones, but those ones where there is trust and all that, the probability is that thought appear on someone mind.
    I mean, I think all people, or most of people, would like to see the other people's mind, but mainly, and I'm refering to friendships, not to know every sordid detail but to understand their attitudes, their opinions, and stuff like that.

    And yeah, I don't believe that we ever understand other person's mind completely but we can always be close to understand, at least half let's say that way. If the other person is willing to let us get to know her!
