Sunday, May 31, 2009

This Weekend

So this weekend involved me crashing into people on bikes, twice. First was a ride with a friend whom I will not name because she'd be embarrassed, where she slammed into my back tire and face planted into a ton of weeds. It was actually pretty hilarious once I found out that she was okay. That's what happens when your breaks don't work and your friend in front of you doesn't tell you to stop soon enough.

The second was totally my fault. Basically I turned left when Nathan said right. This lovely error resulted in a broken reflector and a sore foot. It could have been much worse. Thank goodness he isn't a klutz like me.

These two incidents both happened on my first bike rides with them. Which confirms the fact that I probably shouldn't bike ride with others. I am so klutzy, I now bring others down with me.

Other than the crashes, this was a great weekend, it went by fast. It confirms how great summer is gonna be.

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