Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Future That is All Planned Out

I admit that there are some variables, because in all honesty I don't know if I'm going to get into where I want to go, so there are things with a few choices here.

High School: Avoid failing classes, take APs related to career choice, plan for and take both the SAT and ACT as many times as needed (within limits).
Tour most of colleges on list. (Because ten different campuses seems like too much)
Don't do anything dumb like get pregnant or MIP.

Undergraduate College: Assuming I get into either U of M/Northwestern, I'll go there. If not, Loyola or Kalamazoo. There's about a 75% chance I'll double major in History Education and Spanish. But, I may just get a minor, depends on how much work it actually is. The backup plan is Architecture, since both U of M and Northwestern have good artictechture and education schools. Ditto on the pregnant and arrested.

Job: I like Washington D.C., Seattle, and Chicago as all potential areas to move to. The Washington D.C. suburbs should still be in need of teachers eight or so years from now. If the architecture thing goes instead, Seattle is more likely that Chicago. I prefer it.

Graduate School: Orginally, the plan was to begin the Master's directly after finishing undergraduate. But I suppose I may be burned out by then. So I'll settle for having it done by 28. The graduate school I attend depends on where I'm currently living. If Chicago, I'll probably go to the University of Chicago. I haven't quite figured out the other two since I'm more focused on deciding on a certain undergraduate school.

Marriage: I'm assuming that I'll marry. Unless I become a lesbian or something. But I refuse to get married until I'm already attending graduate school. Preferably after I graduate. So 30 to 35 sounds good to me.

Doctoral School: Again, not positive where I'm attending here. But there's wonderful colleges all over the country. Preferably not in the South at all. This I'm hoping to be near finished with before I have kids. So by my mid 30s.

Children: I want a daughter. Perhaps a son. I want 2-3, preferably no half children or something. Birth defects are sad and I hope my child doesn't go through that. But I haven't decided where I want to adopt from yet. Because at least one of my children will be adopted.

There. I think that's the majority of it.


  1. Here's my plan so far:

    Graduate Highschool.


  2. I can see you taking over the world for a year after high school. Then maybe do that part time and try out college. You'd probably like college.

  3. if i ever i have a child, i sincerely hope it is NOT a girl. but adoption is great.

  4. How does one go about having a half child?
    My plan is to take over the world and make Reykjavik my capital.
