Friday, May 29, 2009

In the Mail...

I got an envelope today addressed to me from my summer camp. It was the big packet of papers I get every year informing me of rules and recommendations that I have long since memorized.

But I began to skim them anyways, because I feel the need to see if anything as changed. Plus, it brings back these dreamy little memories...

And then it hit me. Summer is close. As in fourteen school days left close.

With summer comes a couple weeks at camp. But this year it's different. It's my last year. Half of my friends there had their last summer this previous year. Which makes me feel a bit lonely, a bit sad.

The entire camp knows my secrets of what happened there; the entire world knows some of it, since I have a big mouth.

As we count down the days, I have to remember than school is safe, I'm protected there by the innate social rules and structure that every high school seems to obey. It's at camp where the spirits are released, and all hell breaks loose.

P.S. My Sims 3 has been shipped! SQUEE!

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