Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Hate This Part Right Here...

Yes, I stole the title from a PCD song. And I hate them. But it seemed fitting.

Life right now is swinging in pendulum. And I hate it. There's not really anything I can do to change anything right now. I just have to be patient and wait for the weekend to be over. But I don't want it to end.

This week means facing problems. Things that haven't come up for more than four years. It means a lot of housework. It means even more teenage angst.

I don't want to deal with my:
  • telenovela
  • uncle
  • crazy relationship with my ex
  • odd relationship with my current whatever.
I mean, most of these things I can push out of the way, and that's just fine. But they keep bubbling up again to haunt me. And all I'm asking for is some closure. I've had that with some of this, and then I lost it again.

How the hell can I be Obamaish if nothing in my life can be changed?

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